How to Get Better at Physics - Your Complete and Effective Guide

March 26, 2024
4 min read

Physics shapes everything around us, from the motion of planets to the behavior of atoms. It influences the stars above and the tiniest particles. 

It’s a critical subject, which is essential for understanding the laws that govern the universe and for advancing technologies that impact our daily lives.

But mastering physics can be challenging. The abstract ideas and complex math are a lot to take in. Fortunately, there are measured actions you can take to improve. Keep reading to learn

11 Effective Tips on How to Get Better in Physics

To get better at physics, start by mastering the basics. Then, understand why equations work rather than just memorizing them. 

While you study, pay attention to small details, brush up on your math skills, break down tough problems into smaller steps, use visuals, double-check your work, study regularly, and ask for help when needed. Let’s take a closer look at each of these tips.

Get Better in Physics: Tip 1

To start, focus on strengthening your understanding of the basics. Key principles such as Newton's Laws, energy conservation, and foundational equations are essential building blocks. 

Dedicate time to immerse yourself in these fundamental concepts, forming mental connections and conceptual frameworks. Think of it as laying a strong foundation for a house; without it, everything else becomes shaky. By grasping these basics thoroughly, you'll set yourself up for success as you delve deeper into the world of physics.

Get Better in Physics: Tip 2

Understanding the foundational equations of physics is key. These equations are the starting point for everything else you'll learn in physics. Let's break it down:

  • Classical Mechanics: This is the study of how things move. Think of a car speeding up or a ball rolling down a hill. The equations for this tell us how forces like pushing or pulling affect objects.
  • Energy Formulas: Energy is everywhere, from the food we eat to the electricity that powers our devices. Understanding energy equations helps us calculate how much energy is involved in different situations.
  • Mass and Force: These are basic concepts. Mass is how much stuff is in an object, and force is what makes things move. When you combine mass and force, you get equations that tell you how objects accelerate or change their motion.

If you get a handle on these basic formulas, learning physics becomes much easier. You'll be able to solve problems and understand how things work in the world around you. 

So, by understanding these basic equations, you're laying the groundwork for understanding more complex ideas in physics. 

Get Better in Physics: Tip 3

Understanding physics goes beyond just memorizing equations; it's about understanding the underlying concepts and principles behind them. Instead of simply accepting formulas at face value, take the time to delve deeper into the stories behind them. Look into their origins and the logic behind why they work the way they do.

Imagine it like peeling back the layers of an onion. Each layer you uncover reveals more about the intricate workings of the universe. By understanding the fundamental principles of physics, you're not only improving your problem-solving skills but also gaining insight into the nature of the physical world.

So, next time you're studying physics, don't just focus on crunching numbers. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty and logic behind the equations. It's this conceptual understanding that will set you apart as a student of physics.

Get Better in Physics: Tip 4

Remembering to use the correct SI units in physics is crucial, even though they may seem small and insignificant. In reality, they play a huge role in ensuring accuracy and clarity in scientific communication. Here's why:

  • Avoiding Errors: Using the wrong unit or forgetting to include units altogether can ruin the accuracy of your calculations or measurements. 
  • Consistency and Clarity: Using SI units provides a standardized way to express measurements and quantities. This consistency helps ensure that everyone, regardless of language or background, understands the information being conveyed. 
  • Precision: SI units are designed to be precise and unambiguous. For example, when we say something has a mass of "5 kilograms," there's no confusion about what that means. It's not "5 pounds" or "5 grams" — it's exactly 5 kilograms, as defined by the international standard.
Quantity Name of the Unit Symbol
Length Meter m
Mass Kilogram kg
Time Seconds s
Electric Current Ampere A
Temperature Kelvin K
Luminous Intensity Candela cd
Amount of Substance Mole mol

By incorporating SI units into your work, you're upholding a standard of accuracy and precision that is essential in the field of physics. It guides your scientific work and ensures it’s clear, consistent, and universally understood. 

So, always remember to include the appropriate SI units in your calculations and measurements. It might seem small, but it makes a big difference in the quality and credibility of your work.

Get Better in Physics: Tip 5

In physics, every tiny detail matters, and you need to find all the pieces to see the whole picture. Real-life situations come with challenging factors like friction and drag, which can affect the outcome.

So, train your brain to spot these small details. Pay close attention and make sure your solutions cover everything. By focusing on the specifics, you'll make your analyses more accurate and reliable. 

Get Better in Physics: Tip 6

In physics, math is the toolkit that helps us make sense of the world. It's the language we use to describe and understand how things work. To get better at physics, it's important to brush up on your math skills and terms.

Start by going back to basics: algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. These are like the ABCs of math. Practice solving problems in these areas alongside your physics studies. Remember,  the more you do it, the better you get.

By getting comfortable with math, you'll become more confident in tackling physics problems. So, embrace math as your ally in the journey of mastering physics.

Get Better in Physics: Tip 7

Confronting tough physics problems can feel like navigating a maze, but don't let it overwhelm you. With the right strategy, even the most complex challenges become manageable. 

The trick is to break down these big problems into smaller, bite-sized pieces. This approach simplifies the problem-solving process, giving you a clear path forward.

By breaking it down, you'll gain clarity and confidence in tackling even the toughest physics puzzles. So, next time you're faced with a daunting problem, take a deep breath, break it down, and tackle it step by step. 

Get Better in Physics: Tip 8

Visuals are a valuable tool in understanding physics. They turn challenging concepts into images you can see and grasp more easily. Whether it's simple diagrams, colorful illustrations, or interactive animations, visual aids make learning physics a breeze.

You can create your own visuals, such as drawing diagrams or making mind maps, to help you remember concepts better. Or, you can explore online resources with loads of fun visual explanations. 

By using visuals, you'll find that understanding physics becomes a lot more fun and memorable. So, next time you're stuck on a physics problem, give visuals a try. They might just be the key to helping you understand complex physics topics.

Get Better in Physics: Tip 9

When it comes to getting things right in physics, being thorough is key. By checking your work twice before handing it in—you ensure everything is accurate and makes sense

Even if you're confident in your physics skills, it's still important to double-check your work. Give it a final check to make sure everything is accurate and makes sense.

Always take the time to review your solutions carefully. By doing this, you'll catch any errors and ensure your answers are logical and coherent. Developing a habit of thoroughness is crucial. With diligence and vigilance, you'll minimize mistakes and make your analyses more reliable. So, remember to double-check your work every time, regardless of how confident you may feel.

Get Better in Physics: Tip 10

Effective physics study is crucial for excelling in the subject for several simple reasons. Firstly, physics is like building blocks - you need to understand the basics before you can tackle the more advanced concepts. By studying regularly, you reinforce those foundational concepts, making it easier to grasp the tougher ones later on.

Secondly, physics is all about problem-solving, and practice makes perfect. By working through sample problems consistently, you sharpen your skills and develop strategies to tackle any kind of question that comes your way.

Moreover, physics can be tough to wrap your head around at first. But with regular study sessions, you get more comfortable with the material over time. Breaking it down into smaller parts through daily review helps it sink in better.

Staying on top of your studies keeps you organized and ready for class. Reviewing what you've learned and prepping for upcoming topics makes it easier to participate and engage in class discussions. 

In short, understanding how to study for physics is key. It isn't just about passing a test - it's about building a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that will serve you well in your studies and beyond.

Get Better in Physics: Tip 11

Physics can be tough, but you don't have to face the challenges alone. When you hit a roadblock, don't hesitate to ask for help. Your teachers are there to guide you through difficult concepts and clarify any doubts you may have. They've got the expertise to steer you in the right direction and help you overcome obstacles.

Your peers can also be a valuable resource. Sometimes, discussing problems with classmates can shed new light on tricky concepts and lead to breakthroughs.

If you're struggling to find answers on your own, turn to online resources. There are plenty of websites and forums dedicated to physics education, offering tutorials and explanations to help you understand difficult topics.

Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. By reaching out for assistance when you need it, you'll be better equipped to tackle the challenges of physics and succeed in your academic journey.


Next up, let’s take a look at some commonly asked questions surrounding how to get better at physics. 

1. How to Study and Learn Physics Fast?

To study and learn physics quickly, start by focusing on the basics and understanding the origins of fundamental equations. Pay attention to small details and work on sharpening your math skills, as they are crucial in physics. 

Try to simplify complex situations and utilize drawings to visualize problems. Always double-check your answers for accuracy and utilize every available resource for help with physics concepts. By following these strategies, you can accelerate your learning process and build a solid foundation in physics.

2. How Difficult Is Physics?

Physics can be challenging, as it combines two courses - math and science. But, with perseverance and regular practice, you can do well.

3. How Long Does It Take to Learn AP Physics?

The AP Physics 1 course typically spans around 27 weeks, while Physics 2 takes about 25 weeks to finish. However, ambitious students can tackle both Physics 1 and Physics 2 in a single school year. As for the Physics C courses, each one is designed to be completed within a single semester.

How a Tutor Can Guide You With Basic or Complex Physics Topics

A tutor can provide personalized guidance for both basic and complex physics topics. They tailor their teaching to the student's needs, clarify concepts, teach problem-solving strategies, provide practice with feedback, and prepare students for assessments. With a tutor's help, students can build a strong foundation, improve understanding, and achieve success in physics.

Our one-on-one science tutoring service provides students with the opportunity to learn from leading science tutors who tailor content and strategies to individual needs. Whether it's assistance with homework, preparation for class tests, or tackling AP exams, our tutors are dedicated to helping students excel in their science studies. 

With over 120,000 students improving their grades by at least one letter, a 96% acceptance rate at top colleges, and $23 million in scholarship awards, our tutoring program has a proven track record of success. So, if you're looking to boost your understanding of physics and achieve your academic goals, our tutoring service is here to help.


While physics may seem intimidating at first, it's important not to get too discouraged. By following the tips provided and giving your best effort, you can overcome challenges and excel in the subject. 

Remember, mastering physics takes time and dedication, but with perseverance, you can achieve success. Whether you're preparing for AP Physics or getting into higher-level physics courses in college, remember to keep at it. So, stay focused, keep pushing forward, and believe in your ability to do well.

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