How to Create SAT Study Plan - 1-6 Months

January 22, 2024
7 min read

Do you have a SAT study plan in place? If not, don't worry! By the end of this guide, you'll be well-equipped to create one that suits your needs and timeline.

Getting ready for the SAT can feel overwhelming, but with a well-organized study plan, it becomes much more manageable. In this guide, we'll explore the 6-3-1 monthly plan, a practical method for SAT preparation that adapts to different timeframes. 

Whether you have six months, three months, or just one, this plan will assist you in structuring your study routine effectively, ensuring you're thoroughly prepared for the SAT.

Understanding the SAT

The SAT, or Scholastic Assessment Test, is a standardized exam widely used for college admissions in the United States.

It’s designed to assess a student's readiness for college-level academics and serves as a common benchmark for colleges and universities during the admissions process. Understanding the SAT is crucial for students aiming to excel in this test, as it provides insights into its format, sections, scoring, and overall purpose.

The SAT is made up of several sections, each responsible for evaluating specific skills and areas of knowledge:

  • Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW): This section assesses a student's reading comprehension and language skills. It includes passages to read and questions to answer, as well as tasks related to grammar and language usage.
  • Mathematics: The Math section evaluates mathematical reasoning, problem-solving abilities, and algebraic skills. It consists of two parts: one where a calculator is allowed and one without.
  • Optional Essay: While the SAT Essay is not mandatory, some colleges require or recommend it. This section assesses the student's ability to analyze and write about a provided text.

Importance of a Well-Structured Study Plan for the SAT Test

A well-structured study plan is essential when preparing for the SAT. Here are some reasons why:

  • Efficiency: A study plan helps you make the most of your limited study time by focusing on areas that need improvement.
  • Consistency: It establishes a regular study schedule, reducing the temptation to cram at the last minute.
  • Stress Reduction: Having a plan in place can alleviate test anxiety, knowing that you're adequately prepared.
  • Progress Tracking: A study plan allows you to monitor your progress, making it easier to adjust your approach as needed.
  • Resource Utilization: It helps you choose the right study materials and resources tailored to your specific needs.

Building Your SAT Study Plan

When it comes to creating an effective study plan for SAT prep, there are several steps you can take: 

Familiarizing Yourself With SAT Content

Before diving into your plan, take the time to become familiar with the SAT. Understand its structure, the types of questions asked, and the content areas that will be assessed. This knowledge forms the foundation for your study plan.

Assessing Your Skills in Advance

It's crucial to assess your current skills and knowledge level. Take a diagnostic test to identify your strengths and weaknesses in each SAT section. This baseline assessment will help you set realistic goals and prioritize your study efforts.

Identifying Your Optimal Study Approach

People have different learning styles and preferences. Determine whether you learn best through self-study, online courses, tutoring, or a combination of these methods. Choosing the right approach for you is key to effective preparation.

Emphasizing the Power of Practice

Practice is a fundamental component of SAT success. Allocate a significant portion of your study time to practicing questions and taking full-length practice tests. This not only familiarizes you with the test format but also improves your time management skills and overall performance.

By understanding the SAT, recognizing the importance of a well-structured study plan, and carefully building your customized plan, you can approach your SAT preparation with confidence and increase your chances of achieving your desired scores.

SAT Study Plan 1: 1-Month Schedule With High Intensity

Let's explore a high-intensity, 1 month SAT study plan specially crafted to get you ready for the SAT in just a short span of time.

Week 1: Understanding Structure

In the first week, you'll get familiar with what the SAT looks like. You'll learn about the test format and how it's scored. This helps you know what to expect on test day.

Week 2: Focusing on Key Content

During the second week, you'll dive into the important stuff. You'll focus on the reading and writing part (EBRW) and also the math part of the SAT. It's all about getting a good grasp of the main topics.

Week 3: Strategizing & Progress Assessment

The third week is when you’ll start thinking about strategies. You'll figure out the best ways to tackle the test questions. You'll also take a practice test to see how you're doing. This helps you track your progress.

Week 4: Comprehensive Review & Practice

In the last week, it's time to put everything together. You'll review all the sections, paying extra attention to the areas where you need improvement. And, of course, you'll do lots of practice questions and take another practice test. This final week helps you feel super prepared for the real SAT.

So, that's the plan for a high-intensity one-month SAT study program. It's a lot of work, but it can really boost your confidence and get you ready for the test.

SAT Study Plan 2: 3-Month Schedule With Medium Intensity

So, let's dive into a three-month study plan for the SAT with medium intensity to help you prepare effectively and steadily.

Month 1: Foundational Understanding

In the first month of your SAT preparation, the focus is on laying a strong foundation of knowledge and skills.

Week 1: Familiarize Yourself With the SAT

In the first week of your SAT preparation, your main goal is to become acquainted with the SAT itself. This means understanding the test's format, structure, and scoring. You'll learn about the different sections of the SAT, such as the EBRW and Mathematics sections. 

You'll also get an overview of the optional Essay portion. This week is like getting to know the playing field before a game. It helps you feel more comfortable with what's ahead and lets you focus your efforts where they'll have the most impact.

Week 2: Emphasize Reading Skills

Week two shifts your focus to the reading portion of the SAT. This section assesses your ability to comprehend and analyze written passages. You'll practice reading strategies that help you extract key information, identify main ideas, and understand the author's purpose. It's not just about reading; it's about reading effectively and efficiently.

Reading skills are crucial because they apply to both the EBRW section and the optional Essay, where you'll need to understand and analyze texts in depth.

Week 3: Shift Focus to Writing & Language

Moving into the third week, your attention turns to the Writing and Language portion of the SAT. Here, the emphasis is on grammar, punctuation, and language usage. You'll work on identifying and correcting errors in written passages. This week is all about sharpening your editing and proofreading skills.

Strong language skills are essential not only for the Writing and Language section but also for crafting a well-structured and error-free essay if you choose to take the optional Essay.

Week 4: Begin Progressing in Mathematics

As you enter the final week of month one, it's time to start building your math foundation for the SAT's Mathematics section. The focus initially is on the fundamental concepts. You'll delve into algebraic skills, problem-solving strategies, and mathematical reasoning.

Mathematics is a substantial part of the SAT, with two sections—one that allows a calculator and one that doesn't. So, it's crucial to dedicate time early in your preparation to ensure you're comfortable with the math concepts that will be tested.

By the end of month one, you'll have a strong understanding of what the SAT entails and a solid foundation in reading, writing, language, and math skills. This sets you up for the subsequent months of your study plan, where you'll delve deeper into each section and develop test-taking strategies to maximize your performance on test day.

Remember, this three-month SAT schedule with medium intensity is designed to provide comprehensive preparation while allowing you to learn at a comfortable pace.

Month 2: Development of Strategies

As you enter the second month of your SAT preparation journey, it's time to shift your focus to the development of crucial strategies that will enhance your test-taking skills.

Week 5: Deepen Mathematical Proficiency

In the fifth week, you'll delve deeper into the mathematical part of the SAT. This week is about sharpening your math skills, from algebra to geometry. You'll tackle more complex math problems and learn effective problem-solving techniques. It's a chance to solidify your understanding of mathematical concepts, which is crucial for the SAT.

Week 6: Initiate Strategic Approaches

As you move into week six, it's time to initiate strategic approaches for all sections of the SAT. You'll learn test-taking strategies that help you manage your time, navigate through questions efficiently, and avoid common traps. Strategic thinking is key to improving your SAT performance.

During this week, you'll also focus on critical reading strategies and methods to interpret data and graphs effectively in the Math section. These skills will not only save you time but also boost your accuracy.

Week 7: Evaluate Progress

In the seventh week, take a step back to evaluate your progress. You'll assess how you've been performing in practice tests and exercises. Identify areas where you've improved and areas that still need work. This evaluation will guide your remaining study plan and help you tailor your efforts where they're most needed.

Week 8: Enhance Essay-Writing Proficiency

In the final week of month two, you'll concentrate on enhancing your essay-writing proficiency. If you've chosen to take the optional essay portion of the SAT, this is crucial. You'll work on structuring your essays effectively, developing strong arguments, and incorporating evidence from the provided text. Effective essay writing is not just about what you say but how you say it.

By the end of the month, you'll have developed essential strategies for tackling the SAT, deepened your mathematical proficiency, and improved your essay-writing skills. These tools will serve as a strong foundation for the final month of your SAT preparation, where you'll fine-tune your strategies and practice extensively to maximize your readiness for test day.

Month 3: Comprehensive Review & Practice

When it comes to your SAT study plan three months in, you'll now dive into a phase dedicated to comprehensive review and intense practice. This is where you'll strengthen your knowledge and skills to get ready for the upcoming test.

Week 9: Strengthen Weak Areas

In week nine, it's time to identify and strengthen any weak areas in your SAT skills. Review the results of your practice tests and identify topics or question types that you constantly struggle with.

Week 10: Assess Progress

Week 10 is about taking a step back to assess how far you've come. Review your practice test scores, and compare them to your earlier assessments from the beginning of your preparation. This reflection helps you gauge your progress, giving you a sense of achievement and pointing out areas where you still need to improve.

Week 11: Practice Challenging Concepts

Now, it's time to tackle the challenging concepts head-on. This week, you'll confront the most difficult questions and topics that you've encountered during your practice. It's an opportunity to refine your problem-solving skills, test-taking strategies, and critical thinking abilities. By confronting the toughest questions, you'll become better equipped to handle them on test day.

Week 12: Review as Necessary

In the final week of your study plan, you'll review all the content, strategies, and techniques you've learned over the past three months. Pay extra attention to the areas you identified as weak and challenging. This week serves as your last-minute fine-tuning to ensure you're well-prepared for the SAT.

By the end of month three, you'll have completed a comprehensive review of all SAT content, strengthened your skills in weak areas, and practiced extensively to sharpen your test-taking abilities. 

This final push ensures that you are in the best possible shape to tackle the SAT with confidence and achieve your target score on test day. Remember that a well-structured and disciplined study plan like this one is key to SAT success.

SAT Study Plan 3: 6-Month Schedule With Low-Intensity

Let's discuss a 6-month study plan for the SAT designed for a more relaxed approach. This plan stretches your preparation over a longer timeframe to reduce stress and pressure.

SAT Study Plan 3: 6-Month Schedule With Low-Intensity

If you're not a fan of intense studying and prefer a more relaxed pace, this six-month study plan for the SAT might be just right for you. Here's how it breaks down:

Months 1-2: Building Foundations

In the first two months, you'll focus on understanding the basics. This means getting to know the SAT, its format, and what each section tests. Spend time on each section to build a strong foundation in reading, writing, and math.

Months 3-4: Skill Development

During the next two months, work on developing your skills. Dive a bit deeper into each section. Practice reading comprehension, grammar, and math problems regularly. But don't stress too much—just make steady progress. The goal is to try to retain the information, not just memorize it word for word. 

Months 5-6: Strategy & Practice

In the last two months, shift your focus to strategies and practice. Learn how to approach different question types and manage your time effectively. Take full-length practice tests to get a feel for the real thing. Review your mistakes and practice more in areas where you need improvement.

This low-intensity plan allows you to study at a relaxed pace. It's perfect if you have a lot going on in your life, like school or work. With dedication and steady progress, you can still achieve your SAT goals without feeling overwhelmed.

Final Steps in Preparation

In the final stages of SAT preparation, these key steps can make a difference:

  • Review and Refine Strategies: Polish your test-taking strategies for each SAT section and time management.
  • Take Full-Length Practice Tests: Get used to the test format and timing by taking practice tests under exam conditions.
  • Analyze Results: Study your practice test results, pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in different sections and question types.
  • Address Weaknesses: Focus extra effort on areas where you struggle the most, practicing to improve.
  • Simulate Test Day: A week or two before the SAT, simulate test day conditions with early mornings and a full practice test.
  • Final Concept Review: In the days leading up to the SAT, refresh your memory on key concepts without trying to learn new material.
  • Rest and Relax: Prioritize rest and relaxation in the days before the test, avoiding last-minute cramming.
  • Gather Essentials: The day before, gather all you need for test day, including ID, pencils, calculator, and snacks.
  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset, believing in your preparation and abilities.
  • Test-Day Routine: On test day, follow your planned routine, eat well, arrive early, and stay calm during the exam.
  • Post-Test Focus: After the SAT, shift your focus to the next steps, like sending scores to colleges or other application tasks.

These SAT tips and steps ensure you're well-prepared and in the right mindset for SAT success.

If you need help studying for the SAT, check out our free SAT Practice Questions and answers. This tool will help you prepare for the SAT!


Let's address some common questions and concerns surrounding your SAT study plan.

1. What Is a Good SAT Study Plan?

A good study plan is well-structured, tailored to your needs, and includes content review, practice tests, and strategies.

2. How Long Should You Study for the SAT?

On average, three to six months of preparation is recommended, but it varies based on your starting point and goals.

3. Is 2 Months Enough to Study for the SAT?

Two months can suffice if you have a strong foundation and commit to intensive study, but longer periods are often more effective.

4. How Should I Start Studying for the SAT?

Begin by understanding the SAT, taking a diagnostic test, creating a study plan, and staying consistent with your preparation. Adapt your plan as needed.

Final Thoughts

In summary, creating a well-structured SAT study plan is essential for success. Whether you have one, three, or six months, tailor your approach to your needs. Understand the SAT, assess your skills, and develop effective strategies. Regularly practice and simulate test conditions. Stay positive and organized for test day. 

With dedication and the right plan, you can boost your SAT scores and reach your academic goals. Best of luck!

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