Unlock Your Potential with Tailored 1:1 Tutoring

Customized sessions to fit your learning style
Develop key academic skills for lifelong success
Enhance your grades and excel in standardized tests
Students Raised Their Grades By At Least One Letter
Acceptance Rate at Top Colleges
Scholarship Awards
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Stress-Free Tutoring Awaits
Book Your Free Consultation Today To Get Started

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A Tutoring Plan For Every Student

Our structured programs are designed to meet the individual needs of all learners.
Private Tutor
Personalized Learning Plan
Weekly Preparation Schedule
Conceptual And Content Tutoring
Study Skills and Strategy Tutoring
Homework Help
Tailored Assignments And Homework
Progress Monitoring
Money Back Guarantee
Sibling Hours Transfer
Free Tutoring Hours and Referral Bonus Eligibility
Black Friday Sale Price
(Ends November 30)
Payment Options
Payment Options
For 12 months

15 Hours

Private Tutor
Personalized Learning Plan
Weekly Preparation Schedule
Conceptual And Content Tutoring
Study Skills and Strategy Tutoring
Homework Help
Tailored Assignments And Homework
Progress Monitoring
Sibling Hours Transfer
Waitlist Advising
Waitlist Advising
Money-Back Guarantee
Waitlist Advising
Money-Back Guarantee

15 Hours

Waitlist Advising
Money-Back Guarantee


Black Friday Sale
(Ends November 30)


Starting at $68/mo with
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For 24 months

35 Hours

Private Tutor
Personalized Learning Plan
Weekly Preparation Schedule
Conceptual And Content Tutoring
Study Skills and Strategy Tutoring
Homework Help
Tailored Assignments And Homework
Progress Monitoring
Sibling Hours Transfer
Free Tutoring Hours and Referral Bonus Eligibility
Money-Back Guarantee
Money-Back Guarantee

35 Hours

Money-Back Guarantee


Black Friday Sale
(Ends November 30)


Starting at $78/mo with
Compare Payment Plans

65 Hours

Private Tutor
Personalized Learning Plan
Weekly Preparation Schedule
Conceptual And Content Tutoring
Study Skills and Strategy Tutoring
Homework Help
Tailored Assignments And Homework
Progress Monitoring
Sibling Hours Transfer
Free Tutoring Hours and Referral Bonus Eligibility

65 Hours


Black Friday Sale
(Ends November 30)


Starting at $78/mo with
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Learn From The World’s Best Tutors

Photo of team member described below
Academic Tutor - University of Tampa
Math Tutor
Photo of team member described below
Academic Tutor - Boston University
Math Tutor
Photo of team member described below
Academic Tutor - Boston University
Math Tutor
Speak With Our Team

How Membership Works

Start by sharing your learning needs and preferences.
Discuss your aspirations with our team.
Get partnered up with your best-fit tutor with extensive experience.
Begin your learning journey with content/strategy tutoring, homework help, and more!
Get Started
Regular Assignments
Complete regular assignments and worksheets to build confidence and skills.
Post-Session Feedback
Receive concrete feedback as your tutor monitors your activities and assignments.
Regular Recurring Tutoring
One-on-one sessions scheduled around your busy life to suit your needs and preferences.

Executive Functions Skills We Teach

Learn how to pinpoint key information to take excellent notes while reading texts or participating in class.
Time Management
Break down your schedule in a manageable way to systematically tackle your to-do list.
Test Prep
From study guide creation to practice and managing test stress, we’re here with you at every step of the way.
Learn mnemonics, practice tips, and more to make memorization easier.
Applying Knowledge
Learn how to masterfully apply your knowledge to every context and scenario.
Building Smart Habits
Long-term success starts with building smart study habits today – Foundation Learning can teach you how!
Two hands with a heart between them.

More Than Effective Note-Taking: Preparing Your Child for the Road Ahead

While taking great notes is an essential step toward successful study habits, our expert tutors are ready to teach effective study strategies, diverse approaches for different learning styles, and constructive organizational skills to ensure every student is set up for success.
Medical school application document review
comprehensive feedback on your medical school applications
Chat message icon.

Student-Centered Study Strategies to Build Lasting Skills

Even if your child is currently excelling in the classroom, building essential study habits now is the key to future academic success. Foundation Learning students gain the skills to work independently and become active listeners, thoughtful readers, and curious researchers. Students will learn how to effectively take notes, manage their time, write impactfully, and maintain their cool on test days with confidence-building support.

Diverse Approaches to Student Learning With Personalized Plans

Every student deserves one-on-one support designed with their needs and learning styles in mind. Our tutors help students find their best study strategies to make retaining knowledge easier. Our customized plan ensures your child stays on track while working at a pace that’s comfortable for them.
tailored approach for each med school applicant

Looking For Another Discipline?
Check Out Our Other Tutoring Programs


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English Language

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Algebra 2

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Pre Calculus

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Homework Help

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Study Skills

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Homeschool Support

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